215 research outputs found

    Extremal Infinite Graph Theory

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    We survey various aspects of infinite extremal graph theory and prove several new results. The lead role play the parameters connectivity and degree. This includes the end degree. Many open problems are suggested.Comment: 41 pages, 16 figure

    The domino problem on groups of polynomial growth

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    We characterize the virtually nilpotent finitely generated groups (or, equivalently by Gromov's theorem, groups of polynomial growth) for which the Domino Problem is decidable: These are the virtually free groups, i.e. finite groups, and those having Z\Z as a subgroup of finite index

    Spanning Trees in Graphs of High Minimum Degree with a Universal Vertex I: An Approximate Asymptotic Result

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    In this paper and a companion paper, we prove that, if mm is sufficiently large, every graph on m+1m+1 vertices that has a universal vertex and minimum degree at least 2m3\lfloor \frac{2m}{3} \rfloor contains each tree TT with mm edges as a subgraph. The present paper already contains an approximate asymptotic version of the result. Our result confirms, for large mm, an important special case of a recent conjecture by Havet, Reed, Stein, and Wood.Comment: 46 page

    Monochromatic cycle partitions in local edge colourings

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    An edge colouring of a graph is said to be an rr-local colouring if the edges incident to any vertex are coloured with at most rr colours. Generalising a result of Bessy and Thomass\'e, we prove that the vertex set of any 22-locally coloured complete graph may be partitioned into two disjoint monochromatic cycles of different colours. Moreover, for any natural number rr, we show that the vertex set of any rr-locally coloured complete graph may be partitioned into O(r2logr)O(r^2 \log r) disjoint monochromatic cycles. This generalises a result of Erd\H{o}s, Gy\'arf\'as and Pyber.Comment: 10 page

    Local colourings and monochromatic partitions in complete bipartite graphs

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    We show that for any 22-local colouring of the edges of the balanced complete bipartite graph Kn,nK_{n,n}, its vertices can be covered with at most~33 disjoint monochromatic paths. And, we can cover almost all vertices of any complete or balanced complete bipartite rr-locally coloured graph with O(r2)O(r^2) disjoint monochromatic cycles.\\ We also determine the 22-local bipartite Ramsey number of a path almost exactly: Every 22-local colouring of the edges of Kn,nK_{n,n} contains a monochromatic path on nn vertices.Comment: 18 page

    Spanning Trees in Graphs of High Minimum Degree which have a Universal Vertex II: A Tight Result

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    We prove that, if mm is sufficiently large, every graph on m+1m+1 vertices that has a universal vertex and minimum degree at least 2m3\lfloor \frac{2m}{3} \rfloor contains each tree TT with mm edges as a subgraph. Our result confirms, for large mm, an important special case of a conjecture by Havet, Reed, Stein, and Wood. The present paper builds on the results of a companion paper in which we proved the statement for all trees having a vertex that is adjacent to many leaves.Comment: 29 page